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4515 Robert Way

Navigating Emotional Complexity for Market-Ready Success

The Challenge

My clients had called this house their home for several decades. Like a heartfelt chronicle of their lives, their home was filled with years' worth of memories, mementos, and belongings – from furniture and decor to old newspapers and everything in between. A lifetime's worth of items had accumulated, filling every room, every closet, every corner of the garage. It was more than just clutter; it was a testament to a life well-lived.

Our challenge was to alleviate this burden from the sellers, to facilitate a smooth and efficient process of cleaning and decluttering. We needed to transform the property from a storied, cluttered home into an enticing, market-ready residence, all while preserving the dignity and sentiments of the sellers.


Cleanout Plan

Developed a detailed, organized plan to sort, remove, and clean decades' worth of accumulated items in a systematic and respectful manner.


Professional Support

Engaged a team of professional organizers and cleanout services to handle the physical tasks efficiently, ensuring minimal stress for the elderly sellers.


Emotional Sensitivity

Maintained a high level of compassion and patience throughout the process, prioritizing the sellers' emotional well-being, treating their possessions with respect, and preserving their dignity.

"Our family making the choice to have Akel sell my grandmother home was our families best decision! Akel is a realtor that offers so much. Not only does he sell the house but he goes above and beyond along the way with relationships, labor, clearing the home, cleaning, photos, communication Etc..

My grandmother is 88yrs old and has lived in the house for over 30 years. With her age and love for her home, Akel came in and was patient, reassuring, efficient, and helpful. He took the time to sit for hours and made a trustworthy relationship with her.

We all live a few hours away so naturally selling a home from a ways away can leave an uneasy feeling. Akel reassured us all throughout the entire process. He gave us is truthful professional opinion always and in the end helped us make the best choice possible.

If you are looking for a realtor, you’re in the perfect spot to choose Akel. Look no further!! We are so grateful for him and his team and I can PROMISE you will be too ????"

— Cicily Ragsdale